The Law of Soul Purpose

The Law of Soul Purpose is the Universal Law that states that living within the Purpose that you were naturally meant to live within, is the most efficient way to a happy, fulfilling life.

This law, or principle has been added to the list of universal laws by yours truly, thank you very kindly, because I believe that it fits all of the requirements and also carries all of the ramifications of a universal law! It’s definitely a life-changing concept, as it, along with the other universal laws, has changed my life in too many ways to mention!

The funny thing is that, I was looking all over the place for success, when it was within me all along! For an incredible analogy about this very concept, check out this video by one of my mentors and favorite people in the world….Dr. Wayne Dyer:

Just click the arrow,

Finding and living your Soul Purpose gives your life it’s all important “reason for being”, it gives your life value and a central focus. Finding my Soul Purpose gave my life a foundation that really can’t be described in words; it’s the reason why I became a Life-Coach!

Notice the wording though, becoming a Life-Coach wasn’t my Soul Purpose, my Soul Purpose made me persue Life-Coaching. I’ve found that your Soul Purpose isn’t a job, a hobby, or a “thing” at all, it’s more of an evolving concept of finding out who you really are and what you really want out of life.

Funding your Purpose means finding your, “reason why.”  It gives you a “mission statement,” for your life! So, what’s my Soul Purpose? 

I realized after some very deep reflection, that I just wanted to become a much better, more efficient, productive person and I wanted to help people to do the same…that’s pretty much it!

My very first mission statement was: To help people change their lives for the better, and leave this world in a better place than it was when I was here.

However, since your Purpose evolves around you and since we grow and change, so can and does our Purpose. I now realize more fully from the example set by our new President, Barack Obama, that one person can change the world, so my mission statement has evolved just in the past several months into:

Helping to change the consciousness of the world!

I think that is the biggest problem that we face in society, today.

I’m fulfilling part of that purpose with this blog and others and with the soon to be published website, (LSP) The purpose (no pun intended) of LSP is to dig deeper into helping you find your Soul Purpose and how to live life with a Purpose…on Purpose!

What Soul Purpose Is…and Isn’t

I found out that your Soul Purpose doesn’t necessarily have to be some huge, complex, “world-changing” spirit moving, earth shaking event that was sent down by an “Angel of God,” on a chariot of fire, like I (and I think others) thought.

It doesn’t have to be mind-blowing, or high-tech. It can and should be a determination that you come up with, by yourself, about yourself and for you and yours.

Now when I say, “by yourself,” I mean that it is a very personal and spiritual decison, that can only be answered by you and your creator, through a myriad of prayer, awareness, meditation, self-reflection, practice and introspection, among other things.

But, you can also consult your very close, “inner circle” of friends and family. Ask the people who know you well and whose opinion you trust what they think your talents are and what they think you’re good at. That’s a good starting point, if you’ve never really given it much thought.

Finding your Soul Purpose is basically just finding out what you’re made of; finding your wants and needs and also finding out how to use your God-given gifts and talents to benefit and bring value to both yourself and humanity.

All you really have to do is find out what really makes you happy and use what you’re very capable at, as a guide. Even if you’re simply a hell-uva carpenter, that may not be a big deal to some, but if you excel at it above most others, then that may be your Purpose!

It is as unique and personal to you as your DNA, or your fingerprint is…no one else has it, but you!

I’d always been told to “find your calling,” by various teachers and counselors throughout life and I was actually using it as a strategy in my marketing arsenal, however, I was using it  for all the wrong reasons…

I was using it simply to make money…ok, and what’s wrong with that? Nothing, except it’s much bigger than that! How can anything be bigger than making money?  Well, that’s what you need to find out for your most fulfilling life!

I have to give credit where credit is due. I found out the utmost importance of finding and living your Soul Purpose from a book called, “Killing Sacred Cows” by GarretGunderson,  OVERCOMING the FINANCIAL MYTHS that are DESTROYING your PROSPERITY,” You know how some people jokingly say that a book, “changed their life?”

 Well, not only did this book change my life, it has indirectly been the brainchild of a half a dozen or so, companies, dozens of marketing concepts and web domains! I can’t recommend it any higher.

So, find your Purpose; find your “reason why;” and doors that were once “closed” in your life, will open up as the Universe naturally helps you to achieve that Purpose!

For more information, read Killing Sacred Cows, by Garrett Gunderson, it’s an incredibly eye-opening read. And be on the lookout for Living, due out in the summer of 09.

 For a free preview of what has become my “theme” movie,” The Shift” (formerly “Ambition to Meaning”) which is all about finding your Purpose, featuring the acting debut of  Dr. Wayne Dyer, click below

For a complete listing of all the Universal Laws, click here

Live Your Purpose!


The 15 Universal Laws

There are various websites that list differing amounts and different explanations of what Universal Laws are. Some experts say that there are only three, (3) while others say that there are twenty (20) or more.

I’m going to tick-off a lot of Marketers by offering this information for free, because they are charging and getting a pretty penny, (and rightfully so!) for this type of life-changing info.

But, since becoming a Life-Coach, it has become my mission to get this info out to as many people that need  it. I figured the best way to do that is to offer it here, for free!

What is a Universal Law?

There are some that say that a law isn’t “universal”, unless it covers or encompasses everything in the universe;  such as the law of gravity only has “jurisdiction” so to speak, only here on earth and not on the moon.

There are actually hundreds, if not thousands of different universal “type” laws. Since the universe is unlimited, there may very well be an unlimited number of laws. They are sometimes called Cosmic Laws or General Principles.

Fortunately however, there are only a limited few of these laws that have a direct or indirect bearing on human life and the human condition. These are the laws that we will be concerned with here. If you choose to learn, master and live by these laws, it will be several steps in the right direction of self-mastery.

Once you become a master of self…the world will be your oyster!

Since there seems to be so much confusion, I think we need to come up with a general consensus. I think that the most complete and important listing of universal laws should contain all of the laws that are vital and pertinent to our mind, body and soul or, the “human condition”

Some of the laws may go by several different names, such as the Law of Cause and Effect is the same as, “You reap what you sow” The laws themselves are often referred to as the “Laws of Life,” or Universal Principles also. 

It doesn’t really matter what you call them, what matters is that you understand:

  • Why they were put into place.
  • The vital importance and power of the underlying principles.
  • The ramifications of not being aware of and not utilizing them.
  • How to impliment them properly into your life.

If you choose to, by learning and implementing these laws, you can make any changes in your life that you so desire! Maybe I need to repeat that:

 If you choose to, by learning and implementing these laws, you can make ANY CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE THAT YOU SO DESIRE!

It doesn’t matter if it’s a financial problem, breaking a bad habit, or repairing a failing relationship. How can that be? Let’s go through the bullet points:

  • Why (and by whom) were they put into place?

Most of these laws were put into place by our Creator or, “Source.” Once again, there are many names for our Creator; God, Love, I Am, The Holy One, Infinite Intelligence, Jesus, The Omnipotent, Jehovah, Yaweh, Super-Consciousness, etc. etc. Like I said earlier, it doesn’t really matter what you call it/him/her, what matters is that you understand the underlying principles.

These laws were put into place to help keep the “Natural Order” of the Universe. Also to allow us (humans) to carry out our blessings and directions from God, which were,”To have dominion over and subdue the earth, and to be fruitful and multiply”  (Gen. 1-26, 27, KJV).

Question: Do you think God would give us these blessings and directions empty handed, or without some tools or resources with which to bring it to fruition; or do you think that man is the only being smart enough to figure out that we need some laws to live by, to prevent chaos and mayhem in our lives…?

I hope you know the answer to that one! So, knowing the who (God) and the why (us), should explain the vital importance and power of the underlying principles of these laws. And knowing that, should also invariably explain what the ramifications of not being aware of and not utilizing them in our lives must be and that is of course…chaos and mayhem!

So, now all you need to know is what they are and an explaination on how to impliment them properly into your life.  But, there is a little prep work first.

What These Laws are…and Aren’t

These Laws aren’t typical laws as in civic or man-made laws. You won’t get thrown into jail if you fail to follow them, although you may end up living in a personal prison. You won’t get immediately fined if you ignore them, but you’ll eventually pay a price down the road somehow…trust me on that one!

These laws don’t dictate, they simply define principles with which to live by that have been handed down through the ages. The most amazing and exciting thing though, is that most of these laws have now been scientifically proven to be valid in other areas of  Nature and believe it or not, through mathematics. (See Quantum Theory

You may not fully understand a few of the terms, or definitions at first, but hopefully as you continue to read and become more aware of their deeper meanings and inter-connections, it will all start to make much more sense to you.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, as there are laws that can be interchanged and there are also a number of what are considered sub-laws  

So, without further ado, here are the 15 universal laws that I think are the most relevant to our human, bio-electro-chemical-frequency-generating nature and a list of synonyms to help you get a better picture:

  1. The Law of LoveGod is “Love” (Nuff said?)
  2. The Law of Attraction Manifestation, Like attracts like
  3. The Law of Vibration – Energy,  frequency, vibe
  4. The Law of Resonance Synchronicity, agreement
  5. The Law of Reciprocity Acceptance, interchange
  6. The Law of Polarity Yin/Yang, Opposites
  7. The Law of Cause and EffectSowing and Reaping 
  8. The Law of Precession Action, momentum
  9. The Law of Growth Evolution
  10. The Law of AbundanceDivine Order
  11. The Law of Soul Purpose You
  12. The Law of One Unity
  13. The Law of Intention Belief, Allowance
  14. The Law of Free Will – Volition, Choice
  15. The Law of Harmony Peace, love, synchronicity, resonance, acceptance, positive vibrations, etc.

As you can see, some of these laws are Spiritually based, some are scientific and others are Natural. Fortunately for me I play the bass guitar, so having some background in how frequencies work and learning that we (humans and everything else) are made up of vibrational energy, or frequencies, I was able to pickup on most of the basics of the scientific (frequency based) universal laws. 

So, I dare say that most of my musician friends will probably be able to pick up those concepts a little quicker than most! Let me know!

How to Impliment them Properly into your Life.

Whether it be from the media, your past, your family, or your peers, adapt a mindset that whatever enters your brain through your five senses, (your consciousness, and also your subconscious mind) that you will “weigh” it with the universal laws.

In other words, whenever you’re faced with a dilemma, decision, or question whether difficult or not, ask yourself: “Does this thing in question in my life, (i.e. purchase, job, sale, action, song, food, conversation, relationship, question, book, movie, etc. etc.) feel good, or bad?

It’s about “trusting your gut” as they say. Does it have a “good vibe?” Does it resonate with me and my beliefs? Is it harmonious with my faith? Is it for the greater good of mankind? Is it something filled with love? Is it something that I want to attract more of? Does it match my purpose, intent, etc. etc…starting to get the picture?

Since it has been proven that thought is the basis of creation, by understanding and utilizing these laws, you can change your mind and thus your circumstances and conditions.

To continue on to Quantum Theory click here 

Be on the lookout for the launch of, a website with more in depth study on finding your Purpose, Metaphysics, the Mental Sciences and Universal laws, coming soon. 


Let me know if you have any questions.

Peace,                                                                                                                                Ambrose