The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration is the universal law that states that everything in existence is made up of vibrating energy. Everything. From you, to your computer screen, to the chair that you’re sitting in, everything, when broken down to it’s basic core, is nothing but vibrating energy.

Quantum Theory 101

If you aren’t aware of what quantum physics entails, here’s a brief primer. Don’t worry, I’m not a quantum physicist, so it can’t get too deep! However, the good news is that you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to comprehend enough of the basics of quantum theory to make drastic changes in your life.

Quantum Physics studies the basic building blocks of the universe. It basically breaks down everything to its core.

It begins with basic seventh grade science, actually. We all know that the earth is in the universe, and that we as human beings inhabit the earth. We know that we are made up of tissue and bone. Our tissue and bone is made up of  cells, which is made up of molecules. With me so far?

What are molecules made up of? Atoms. What are atoms composed of? Protons, neutrons and electrons, right? Still with me so far? Ok, now we’re getting into the “quantum” world.

Quantum Physics is basically the study of the sub-atomic world. And let me tell you, “things” (for lack of a better term) behave unlike anything you can imagine, let alone comprehend in the sub-atomic world! 

It was once thought that the atom was the smallest substance known to man. We now know, without getting too technical, that the protons and neutrons contain what is called “quarks” and there is a sea of about 40 other different types of quarks and other particles/waves within the nucleus of an atom.

Of course we’re talking infinitesimally small here, as a quark is about 0.000000000000000001 meters! But, when quarks are broken down even further, you get little packets of…energy! So, everything in existence is a vibrating mass of energy!

Undoubtedly, the most famous equation in the world which verify’s this is, E=MC2 formulated by Albert Einstein in the early 1900’s, which is called the “energy, mass equivalence equation.” In a nutshell, it just means that mass is equal to energy and vice versa.

The most fantastically beautiful, but unbelievable thing about all of this is that as human beings, we were “biblically” given “Dominion over the earth,” (Gen 1:26 KJV) and to establish and control said “Dominion” we were given a few “gifts” that the animals and plants weren’t given; and that is… a mind that can think, (intelligence) and choice, volition or will!

By using our “gifts” of thought, we have not only have the ability and choice, but the duty of controlling what type of frequencies or vibrations we give out and take in.  This is what gives us the inate ability to control our circumstances and our lives.

And likewise, if one continues to use these natural “gifts” for the greater good of mankind, while properly utilizing universal laws; the universe, whose job is to also promote the natural order for the greater good, will work with you in the natural harmony that nature is.

For a great video on Brain Vibration see below:

How are you using your gifts? For more vital info on the Law of Vibration and a free e-book on the Quantum Method of manifesting called “The Principles of Successsful Manifesting”, click here

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  1. Awesome post. thank you

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