The Law of Precession

The Law of Precession is the Universal Law that says nothing moves until something “acts.” In other words it’s the law of action.  The law of precesssion is the brainchild of Buckminster Fuller, (1895-1983) an American philosopher, architect, humanitarian, visionary, inventor and author.

The law of precession also says that an action, such as a rock thrown into a still pond, not only creates ripples of waves in the water, the waves also spread out and continue to contact and meet other waves, rocks and may even reach the distant shore, making changes along the way.

In other words, action not only creates momentum, the correct action which is also intended for the “greater good” of mankind, also has a synergistic effect on the rest of the universe. 

The law of precession is arguably the most underutilized of all the Universal Laws, because everyone that initially becomes aware of the law of attraction, thinks that manifestation is all magical, “hocus-pocus” and that it’s not supposed to take any real effort.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

It’s just another reason why I became a Life-Coach. To help “clear the air” about the Universal  Laws, especially the law of attraction. The law of attraction has been hailed as “the most powerful” of all of the Universal Laws, which I disagree with. To read about the most powerful law click here

By implying that the law of attraction is the most powerful law, it gives the false security that the law of attraction is all you need for creative manifestation. It also negates the  power and dulls the vital importance of the other universal laws that are surely needed, not only for manifesting, material things, but for the complete and ultimate expression of  a joyful life.

The Runt of the Litter!

The law of precession ends up being the, “runt of the litter” of the universal laws, because this is where the “work” comes in; a word most of us don’t want to hear, or do!

In today’s technologically-advanced, computerized society, everyone wants the “easy” way out! But, without the “action” part of the equation, you won’t get any results with QCM. The law of precession explains the effect that “bodies in motion” have on other, “bodies in motion.”

In other words, if you drop a stone in a pond, the stone drops straight down, but the waves ripple out in right angles along the water. So, the effect of dropping the stone, actually causes two different actions in the water, one vertical and the other horizontally.

Your actions cause a synergy that combines and harmonizes with other actions or forces in the universe, just like your thoughts harmonize with “like” frequencies. Sometimes those “side effects” can actually be more powerful than the original action!

So, don’t just sit around waiting for the law of attraction to make things happen for you. You must take positive action on your thoughts, dreams and ideas, but most importantly on your intuitions. Your “gut” is the best indicator of when and what type of action to take.

For more information on cutting-edge, Quantum methods of visualization and manifestation, click below for a powerful, free e-book:

The Principles of Successful Manifesting

 If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will be answering the most FAQ’s for free, for a limited time.

 Take Action!


The Power of Phase Transition

The power of “phase transition,” is a part of the inherent power that we as human beings were given in the beginning, by our Source. 

Due to the fact that God said: Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness,” (Gen 1:26 KJV) I believe it’s fair to say that it also means we are made up of the same basic elements or, “constituents”  (tisssue, blood, bones, brain, etc.) that the human personification, (Jesus) was also made up of. 

(Note* I don’t want this to start sounding like a “Bible Study,” because I’m not ashamed to say that I’m not very religious at all! I’m very Spiritual, but not very “religious;” there is a difference you know. However, I think that the Bible is still, “The Greatest Story Ever Told,” as well as the best personal guide and “Success Manual” ever written! But, I digress…)

So also, according to that same paragraph above, God said: Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

I don’t know about you, but to me that sounds like we’re the, “Head Honcho’s” around here! 🙂 Because, it goes on, God blessed us and said: “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.” That can only mean one thing: “To be profitable, have plenty of children, and take control and care of the world!

Now, I don’t want to rile the “religious” folks out there that are of the, “Meek shall inherit the earth” crew that still believe that the above mention of “being fruitful” could mean” farming“, or “having kids” or something else besides making tons of MONEY, but to me it means to: “MAKE TONS OF MONEY!

Why do I say that? Because in the American Heritage Dictionary, there are two definitions for the word, “frutiful,”

1. “To produce fruit”, and

2. “Producing results; profitable.”

Now, there are those that may loosely translate, “to produce fruit” into meaning, “farming or again, having more children.” But, do you think God would say to, “Go out and have babies…and make babies? I don’t think so. Because of that and since we aren’t trees, that rules out definition #1.

I think that we’ve proven that God blessed us in the very begining of creation and that He wants us to procreate, (have babies or, “multiply“) be happy, rich and powerful, (“be frutiful, and subdue the earth”).

Now, do you think for one moment that He would give us all of these blessings and directions which also carry certain responsibilities without giving us certain tools to bring it all to fruition?

Of course He wouldn’t!

We are talking about God here, you know! 🙂 So, what “gifts” did He give us that He didn’t give the lower forms of life, i.e. plants , animals, etc? He gave us (humans) the power of a mindintelligencethe power to think and through that power, He also gave us volition, or the power of choice, called free will.

Through this immense gift, we have the innate ability to control and change our lives through the use of various tools (universal laws) that aid us in “phase transitions” and other natural anomalies. 

What is a Phase Transition?

A phase transition is simply when matter changes from one form to another. 

A very simple example is water. If you freeze water, a liquid, it changes or transits into a solid…or ice. If you heat the ice up enough it will transit from a solid, back to a liquid and then if you add more heat, it will turn into a gas…or steam.

That type of phase transition happens because of a temperature change.  The matter changes or has a transition from one form or phase to another.

But, there are many other ways of producing a phase transition. We now know from Quantum Mechanics that humans have the power to make phase transitions through the proper usage of  “thought” energy.  How?

I thought you’d never ask! Click here to continue to Thought Gardening.

For more information on some of the main visualization and manifestation tools that I use for phase transitions on a daily basis, check out this powerful, free e-book:

The Principles of Successful Manifesting

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment. I will be answering the most FAQ’s on a limited basis.

Make the Transition!


The Law Of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect is the universal and Spiritual law that states that you “Reap what you sow.” Another way of saying it is, “What goes around comes around.”

I want you to understand that these universal laws are immutable and binding, whether we know them or not, whether we believe them or not, or whether we understand them or not. Doesn’t it make complete sense to learn them and learn how to utilize them, since they are active in our lives regardless?

The law of Cause and Effect is probably one of the better known universal laws. It is the law that signifies that if you plant a corn kernel, then a corn plant will sprout…and not a rose bush. It’s just another way for the universe  to help Mother Nature in keeping the natural “order” of things.

Could you imagine how chaotic life would be for a farmer, if he had no clue as to what kind of plants would sprout from his seed? What if a peanut farmer planted a yardfull of what he thought were peanuts, just to find out that watermelons were sprouting up everywhere?

I know that sounds crazy (in the plant world), but we do it all the time with our lives? We constantly plant subconscious cactuses in our mind, but expect beautiful rose bushes to grow and flourish in our lives!

The problem is that some people don’t even realize that they themselves are their biggest enemy! It’s not the government, your lack of education, your job, or your family’s fault for your lack of success, it’ s simply that little voice in the back of your head (your subconsciousness) telling you that you’re not smart enough, or worthy enough, in one way or another.

Self-denial, self doubt, self-defeat and low self-esteem, are the biggest detractors of success known to mankind. How do I know? Because I grew up in probably one of the most positive, nurturing, environments I could’ve possibly asked for and yet, I still used to succomb to those very same thoughts and feelings of doubt.

I can’t imagine the changes someone must go through who wasn’t as fortunate as I was to have a loving environment to grow up in. But, the great thing is that it your past doesn’t really matter…all that matters is today! Once I changed my mindset…it changed my life!

The Real Deal

Here’s the real deal. These universal laws aren’t just cliches, “feel good” sayings, or great Biblical quotes to try to live by. They are real! They are valid and they work! All you have to do is choose to learn and utilize them!

I know, it almost sounds too good to be true and we all know what they say about things that, “sound too good to be true”…they usually aren’t true! But, what have you got to lose by trying them? A few minutes of your time? Isn’t your life worth a few minutes of your time?

Since we have established that everything in existence started with a thought, I think it’s time to reveal the other important variables of  Cause and Effect (which has the same characteristics as the Law of Attraction) and that is:


While thought is the seed of creation, feelings are the engine that drives the thought to where it needs to go to materialize, or manifest itself. For example, if you think a thought, let’s just say you want a new dress. You’ve seen a red dress in a store that you like.

First of all, you probably won’t attract that dress through Quantum Creative Manifestation (QCM). How can I say that already, at this point?  Because you simply “like” the dress. For QCM to work properly using the law of cause and effect, you have to first be in love with the dress!

Ok, let’s say that you’re in LOVE with a dress that you saw in your favorite store (Dillard”s) 🙂 window. That’s the proper starting point! But, you notice that the dress is a little pricey. So, in attempting to attract the dress using the law of cause and effect and positive thinking, you start to think about ways that you can acquire or manifest the dress.

Since you’re familiar with the process and power of visualization, you put a picture of the dress up on your refrigerator, or vision board. You look at the picture and wish you had the dress, almost every day. But still, after several weeks, or months…nothing happens. What’s wrong? How come your dress isn’t in your closet?

Well, nothing is wrong…you’re on the right track. It just takes more than looking and wishing for QCM to work properly and efficiently. Looking and wishing simply prepares your mind for the seed/thought to sprout. It takes feelings and emotions to drive the thought/seed into materialization in the real world.

The deeper and stronger the feelings, (i.e. purpose, emotions, dreams, intentions, desires, reasons, missions, positive energy, etc) that you give the object in question, the quicker the object will manifest itself. This is directly because of the law of Cause and Effect and indirectly because of the other universal laws.

For speedy manifestation of the dress using QCM, you need to:

  • Imagine how you would feel in the dress,
  • Imagine how you would look in the dress;
  • Imagine seeing yourself at the functions that you would wear the dress to;
  • Imagine hearing the great compliments that the people are giving you about, “how great you look “in the dress;
  • Imagine how you are going to “accessorize” the dress;
  • Imagine how the dress blows in the wind as you walk down the street;
  • Imagine how many “dates” you’re going to attract  with the dress…etc. etc.

I hope you get the bigger picture now!

The more feeling and emotion or creative positive energy that you put into a project, idea, or goal no matter what it is, the more you’ll get out of it. It’s simply a matter of  “give and receive.”  

I have a secret weapon” that I use to drastically speed up the manifestation process. For more information on some of the main visualization and manifestation tools that I use daily, check out this powerful, free e-book:

The Principles of Successful Manifesting

To continue reading click here. 


Live Your Dreams!


The Law of Soul Purpose

The Law of Soul Purpose is the Universal Law that states that living within the Purpose that you were naturally meant to live within, is the most efficient way to a happy, fulfilling life.

This law, or principle has been added to the list of universal laws by yours truly, thank you very kindly, because I believe that it fits all of the requirements and also carries all of the ramifications of a universal law! It’s definitely a life-changing concept, as it, along with the other universal laws, has changed my life in too many ways to mention!

The funny thing is that, I was looking all over the place for success, when it was within me all along! For an incredible analogy about this very concept, check out this video by one of my mentors and favorite people in the world….Dr. Wayne Dyer:

Just click the arrow,

Finding and living your Soul Purpose gives your life it’s all important “reason for being”, it gives your life value and a central focus. Finding my Soul Purpose gave my life a foundation that really can’t be described in words; it’s the reason why I became a Life-Coach!

Notice the wording though, becoming a Life-Coach wasn’t my Soul Purpose, my Soul Purpose made me persue Life-Coaching. I’ve found that your Soul Purpose isn’t a job, a hobby, or a “thing” at all, it’s more of an evolving concept of finding out who you really are and what you really want out of life.

Funding your Purpose means finding your, “reason why.”  It gives you a “mission statement,” for your life! So, what’s my Soul Purpose? 

I realized after some very deep reflection, that I just wanted to become a much better, more efficient, productive person and I wanted to help people to do the same…that’s pretty much it!

My very first mission statement was: To help people change their lives for the better, and leave this world in a better place than it was when I was here.

However, since your Purpose evolves around you and since we grow and change, so can and does our Purpose. I now realize more fully from the example set by our new President, Barack Obama, that one person can change the world, so my mission statement has evolved just in the past several months into:

Helping to change the consciousness of the world!

I think that is the biggest problem that we face in society, today.

I’m fulfilling part of that purpose with this blog and others and with the soon to be published website, (LSP) The purpose (no pun intended) of LSP is to dig deeper into helping you find your Soul Purpose and how to live life with a Purpose…on Purpose!

What Soul Purpose Is…and Isn’t

I found out that your Soul Purpose doesn’t necessarily have to be some huge, complex, “world-changing” spirit moving, earth shaking event that was sent down by an “Angel of God,” on a chariot of fire, like I (and I think others) thought.

It doesn’t have to be mind-blowing, or high-tech. It can and should be a determination that you come up with, by yourself, about yourself and for you and yours.

Now when I say, “by yourself,” I mean that it is a very personal and spiritual decison, that can only be answered by you and your creator, through a myriad of prayer, awareness, meditation, self-reflection, practice and introspection, among other things.

But, you can also consult your very close, “inner circle” of friends and family. Ask the people who know you well and whose opinion you trust what they think your talents are and what they think you’re good at. That’s a good starting point, if you’ve never really given it much thought.

Finding your Soul Purpose is basically just finding out what you’re made of; finding your wants and needs and also finding out how to use your God-given gifts and talents to benefit and bring value to both yourself and humanity.

All you really have to do is find out what really makes you happy and use what you’re very capable at, as a guide. Even if you’re simply a hell-uva carpenter, that may not be a big deal to some, but if you excel at it above most others, then that may be your Purpose!

It is as unique and personal to you as your DNA, or your fingerprint is…no one else has it, but you!

I’d always been told to “find your calling,” by various teachers and counselors throughout life and I was actually using it as a strategy in my marketing arsenal, however, I was using it  for all the wrong reasons…

I was using it simply to make money…ok, and what’s wrong with that? Nothing, except it’s much bigger than that! How can anything be bigger than making money?  Well, that’s what you need to find out for your most fulfilling life!

I have to give credit where credit is due. I found out the utmost importance of finding and living your Soul Purpose from a book called, “Killing Sacred Cows” by GarretGunderson,  OVERCOMING the FINANCIAL MYTHS that are DESTROYING your PROSPERITY,” You know how some people jokingly say that a book, “changed their life?”

 Well, not only did this book change my life, it has indirectly been the brainchild of a half a dozen or so, companies, dozens of marketing concepts and web domains! I can’t recommend it any higher.

So, find your Purpose; find your “reason why;” and doors that were once “closed” in your life, will open up as the Universe naturally helps you to achieve that Purpose!

For more information, read Killing Sacred Cows, by Garrett Gunderson, it’s an incredibly eye-opening read. And be on the lookout for Living, due out in the summer of 09.

 For a free preview of what has become my “theme” movie,” The Shift” (formerly “Ambition to Meaning”) which is all about finding your Purpose, featuring the acting debut of  Dr. Wayne Dyer, click below

For a complete listing of all the Universal Laws, click here

Live Your Purpose!


The Law of Resonance

The Law of Resonance is the universal law that states that vibrations of the same harmonious frequencies, resonate with each other. We’ve all heard the loud feedback that comes from a microphone that is held too close to a speaker, right?

Well, the reason that that happens is because the frequencies that the microphone operates on, are resonating with or “joining” the frequencies of the speaker at that point and time. If you will notice, if you move the microphone out of the path of the speaker, the feedback stops.  

As a bass guitarist, I’ve found that if I simply lean my bass guitar on my powered up amplifier, eventually the frequencies of the amplifier will make the strings start vibrating on the bass and they will continue to hum louder and louder until I have to move the guitar, as the strings resonate with the speaker frequencies.

Also, the longer the two (amp/guitar-mic/speaker) are left in the path of each other, at the right time and space, the louder the sound gets. Well, since our thoughts are also electrical frequencies, no matter how minute, they must still abide by the same laws of electricity, polarity and resonance as with any other electrical apparatus.

I know it’s kinda strange in thinking of ourselves as an “electrical apparatus,” since we aren’t connected to an electrical outlet and don’t hve any batteries to replace, but hey that’s just one of the many miracles of life! 🙂

It is now known that different types of thoughts carry different types of frequencies (and at different times). When we are awake our brain waves  are in what’s called the beta stage and when we are asleep, our brain waves are in a different frequency, in what’s called the theta stage.

Have you ever entered a roomful of people and felt a bad vibe? Or, have you ever met someone that made you feel good for some reason? Those vibrations are real, measurable and controllable .

The vibrational energy of your thoughts resonate with and attract “like” frequencies in the universe to manifest into material “things,” the same way that speaker frequencies resonate and attract with similar frequencies in the microphone that causes feedback.

It is believed that positive thoughts carry a higher vibration, and negative thoughts carry a lower vibratory pattern.  So, it is up to us to vibrate wisely! By controlling what and how we think, we can control our circumstances and thus our destiny.

For an interesting video on brainwaves by Dr. Brian Walsh, author of Unleashing Your Brilliance see below:


If you think that your circumstances (i.e. the government, the economy, job, background, lack of education, etc) controls your reality, then how does anyone pick themselves up and thrive during times of recession?

Now you know the reason why it’s so important to think positively!

Think about it!

For more info on manifesting what you want from life, including a free e-book,   Click here 

Resonate Wisely!


The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration is the universal law that states that everything in existence is made up of vibrating energy. Everything. From you, to your computer screen, to the chair that you’re sitting in, everything, when broken down to it’s basic core, is nothing but vibrating energy.

Quantum Theory 101

If you aren’t aware of what quantum physics entails, here’s a brief primer. Don’t worry, I’m not a quantum physicist, so it can’t get too deep! However, the good news is that you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to comprehend enough of the basics of quantum theory to make drastic changes in your life.

Quantum Physics studies the basic building blocks of the universe. It basically breaks down everything to its core.

It begins with basic seventh grade science, actually. We all know that the earth is in the universe, and that we as human beings inhabit the earth. We know that we are made up of tissue and bone. Our tissue and bone is made up of  cells, which is made up of molecules. With me so far?

What are molecules made up of? Atoms. What are atoms composed of? Protons, neutrons and electrons, right? Still with me so far? Ok, now we’re getting into the “quantum” world.

Quantum Physics is basically the study of the sub-atomic world. And let me tell you, “things” (for lack of a better term) behave unlike anything you can imagine, let alone comprehend in the sub-atomic world! 

It was once thought that the atom was the smallest substance known to man. We now know, without getting too technical, that the protons and neutrons contain what is called “quarks” and there is a sea of about 40 other different types of quarks and other particles/waves within the nucleus of an atom.

Of course we’re talking infinitesimally small here, as a quark is about 0.000000000000000001 meters! But, when quarks are broken down even further, you get little packets of…energy! So, everything in existence is a vibrating mass of energy!

Undoubtedly, the most famous equation in the world which verify’s this is, E=MC2 formulated by Albert Einstein in the early 1900’s, which is called the “energy, mass equivalence equation.” In a nutshell, it just means that mass is equal to energy and vice versa.

The most fantastically beautiful, but unbelievable thing about all of this is that as human beings, we were “biblically” given “Dominion over the earth,” (Gen 1:26 KJV) and to establish and control said “Dominion” we were given a few “gifts” that the animals and plants weren’t given; and that is… a mind that can think, (intelligence) and choice, volition or will!

By using our “gifts” of thought, we have not only have the ability and choice, but the duty of controlling what type of frequencies or vibrations we give out and take in.  This is what gives us the inate ability to control our circumstances and our lives.

And likewise, if one continues to use these natural “gifts” for the greater good of mankind, while properly utilizing universal laws; the universe, whose job is to also promote the natural order for the greater good, will work with you in the natural harmony that nature is.

For a great video on Brain Vibration see below:

How are you using your gifts? For more vital info on the Law of Vibration and a free e-book on the Quantum Method of manifesting called “The Principles of Successsful Manifesting”, click here

The Law of Attraction

The Law of  Attraction is probably the second most powerful of all of the universal laws. This law is directly tied to creative manifestation and states that “like attracts like.”  This law is probably more intertwined with the other laws than any of the other universal laws, except the law of reciprocity.

This law is closely related to the  law of vibration,  which is closely connected to the laws of  polarity, resonance, and reciprocity. The law of attraction is responsible for attracting, matching or harmonizing the energy, or frequencies that we give out with similar frequencies. 

It is the type of frequency of your thoughts (negative or positive) that resonates or harmonizes with like frequencies that bring about the changes in the conditions in your life. In other words if you constantly harbor negative thoughts of fear, lack and doubt; you will constantly attract…you guessed it, fear, lack and doubt.

On the other hand, if you constantly have positive thoughts of love, abundance and peace…well, you know the rest. And this isn’t just a bunch of mystical, hocus-pocus or  “woo-hoo, way out-there thinking” either.

These concepts have been handed down through the ages and have now been scientifically proven through Quantum Physics. If you aren’t familiar with Quantum Theory, here’s what famed physicist Neils Bohr had to say:

“If Quantum Mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you don’t understand it yet.”

We’re not getting into the dynamics of quantum physics, as there is another post  here dealing with that.

Click here to continue reading

The Law of Love

The Law of Love is the most powerful Law of all Universal laws. There are those that say and believe that the “law of attraction” is the most powerful law in the universe, but I beg to differ. The law of attraction is intricately interconnected with the law of love, but it is not more powerful.

Since God is “Love,” I don’t think there can really be any argument here. Love is undoubtedly not only the most powerful law, but it’s the most powerful force, concept, belief, act, desire, want, need, or “thing” in the entire universe! Love is the vital energy that holds the world together… literally.

(If everyone simply followed this law to the letter and this law alone…we wouldn’t need any other laws. PERIOD!)

For a great message on love and forgivness, check out this video by my mentor and one of my favorite people in the entire world…Dr. Wayne Dyer, on “The Final Analysis” by Mother Theresa:

The law of love is about much more than just loving material “things.”  The proper way to use the Law of  love is by first loving God and then yourself.  We’re not referring to a narcissistic type of  self-centered love, but a wholesome love that comes from knowing that you are an esteemed child of God with a gift to give humanity that comes from a guaranteed birthright!

Then, you must love what your Purpose is, love your fellow man and you must love and respect this miraculous, amazingly, abundant earth that we have the opportunity to be a part of.  We must learn to truly love and appreciate the things that money can’t buy.

You Can Take it With You!

If you need a “reminder,” just try to remember that the things that you can “take with you” when you leave here, are the really important things in life. 

What? How can you take anything with you when you die?

Well, you certainly can’t take your cars, boats, houses, money or jewelry with you when you, “check out” of here.  So, what can you take?

You take your love, your memories, beliefs, hopes, dreams, goals and aspirations with you, among other things. When you die, the only thing that you can take with you is…everything that made youyou!  So, those are the things that are really important in life… not the material things.

So, learn to utilize the law of love. Become more aware of your God-given gifts; take a walk in the woods so that you can appreciate the grandeur, simplicity and abundance of  Nature. Go hug your child, mom, husband, wife, sister, brother or dog and tell them that you love them, (even if you don’t…just kidding) 🙂 and see how it makes you feel!

Try to keep that feeling all day long!

And always remember: “People will never care how much you know…until they know how much you care!” 🙂

To prove how much I care and to continue on to what I consider my most important post: “Thought Gardening” click here  

Vibrate wisely!
