The Law of Resonance

The Law of Resonance is the universal law that states that vibrations of the same harmonious frequencies, resonate with each other. We’ve all heard the loud feedback that comes from a microphone that is held too close to a speaker, right?

Well, the reason that that happens is because the frequencies that the microphone operates on, are resonating with or “joining” the frequencies of the speaker at that point and time. If you will notice, if you move the microphone out of the path of the speaker, the feedback stops.  

As a bass guitarist, I’ve found that if I simply lean my bass guitar on my powered up amplifier, eventually the frequencies of the amplifier will make the strings start vibrating on the bass and they will continue to hum louder and louder until I have to move the guitar, as the strings resonate with the speaker frequencies.

Also, the longer the two (amp/guitar-mic/speaker) are left in the path of each other, at the right time and space, the louder the sound gets. Well, since our thoughts are also electrical frequencies, no matter how minute, they must still abide by the same laws of electricity, polarity and resonance as with any other electrical apparatus.

I know it’s kinda strange in thinking of ourselves as an “electrical apparatus,” since we aren’t connected to an electrical outlet and don’t hve any batteries to replace, but hey that’s just one of the many miracles of life! 🙂

It is now known that different types of thoughts carry different types of frequencies (and at different times). When we are awake our brain waves  are in what’s called the beta stage and when we are asleep, our brain waves are in a different frequency, in what’s called the theta stage.

Have you ever entered a roomful of people and felt a bad vibe? Or, have you ever met someone that made you feel good for some reason? Those vibrations are real, measurable and controllable .

The vibrational energy of your thoughts resonate with and attract “like” frequencies in the universe to manifest into material “things,” the same way that speaker frequencies resonate and attract with similar frequencies in the microphone that causes feedback.

It is believed that positive thoughts carry a higher vibration, and negative thoughts carry a lower vibratory pattern.  So, it is up to us to vibrate wisely! By controlling what and how we think, we can control our circumstances and thus our destiny.

For an interesting video on brainwaves by Dr. Brian Walsh, author of Unleashing Your Brilliance see below:


If you think that your circumstances (i.e. the government, the economy, job, background, lack of education, etc) controls your reality, then how does anyone pick themselves up and thrive during times of recession?

Now you know the reason why it’s so important to think positively!

Think about it!

For more info on manifesting what you want from life, including a free e-book,   Click here 

Resonate Wisely!
